Gaura Negra: The new AMAZING Radio Image as you have NEVER seen it

The black hole in a distant galaxy is captured in a stunning radio image like you've never seen before, here's what researchers have discovered about it.

The black hole ejects

The black hole from a galaxy not very close to the Earth was recorded in a stunning first radio image that you have never seen before from researchers from all over the world. Below you have a radio image with a black hole located in the galaxy PKS 2014-55, which is 800 million light-years away from Earth, and the researchers managed very hard to record everything that surprised them, but what surprised them and the scientific community.

The black hole recorded in this image has an atypical way of expelling energy into the universe, the researchers being surprised by the way in which it manages to distribute its energy constantly. If normally a black hole throws energy in opposite directions of its edges, it does so in no less than 4 directions, in the shape of X, which until now researchers have never seen for a cosmic object of this kind, so we are also talking about a premiere.

Gaura Negra: The new AMAZING Radio Image as you have NEVER seen it

The black hole expels energy
The black hole in the galaxy PKS 2014-55 spewing energy into the universe. Image taken by the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa.

The black hole it throws energy so irregularly into the universe that researchers initially thought it was moving in an even more irregular format, or at one point they thought it was two black holes colliding. In reality it is a single black hole, and what is seen is quite unusual, but it shows us how mysterious and impressive cosmic objects of this kind can be, and from here researchers can start to do other explorations.

The black hole it throws gases 2.5 million light-years away from its center, they return and hit the center of the galaxy, to then break apart in a completely different direction. This forms what is seen in the image above, and what has amazed many researchers, but it could be only a small part of the mysteries that they have discovered so far, other bigger secrets could be hidden by this black hole.

The black hole from this galaxy will continue to be closely monitored, and it will be very interesting to see what researchers will discover about it.