Huawei phones: Last Hope DESTROYED by Trump

Huawei phones have their last hope completely destroyed by Donald Trump, here is what is happening with them now, and what will happen in the future.

Huawei phones destroyed

Huawei phones I have been at the "mercy" of Donald Trump for a very long time, the well-known American president succeeding in just one year to greatly affect the Chinese business. It all started in May 2019, when a ban was imposed on American companies to collaborate with Huawei, and with it came the ban on embedding Google services and applications in new Huawei phones, a ban that is still active today.

Huawei phones they were left without any hope that these bans would be removed after the US government decided to impose another and tougher sanction, which blocks the possibility of those from Huawei to do them again. Apart from that, the initial ban was also extended until 2021, so the US not only does not show any sign that it would be willing to make any serious concession in favor of Huawei, but it shows that its goal is to completely block the production of phones Huawei.

Huawei phones: Last Hope DESTROYED by Trump

Huawei phones they currently have zero chance of returning to what we knew about them, and that's because Donald Trump no longer wants to give the Chinese the opportunity to produce their phones with the functions people want. This means that Huawei phones in the future will be launched without applications and services from Google, without the applications most people want, and this comes as very bad news for everyone, unfortunately.

Huawei phones they will soon no longer have the ability to surprise us not only with great features, but also with the applications that we have wanted from them for a very long time, despite everyone's hopes. The US has completely different plans for those who really want to buy Huawei phones, and that will leave us without a lot of the innovations that the Chinese launch for customers around the world on a regular basis.

Huawei phones they will continue to be released with everything we knew until now, that is, many very good news, but not really everything we were hoping for from the new devices.