Black Hole: The AMAZING Mystery Hardly Explained by Researchers

The black hole remains a source of many mysteries for researchers, but one of them was explained with difficulty in the end by NASA.

Black hole clouds

The black hole remains one of the great mysteries that researchers have been struggling to explain for a very long time, and for one of the unknowns they have finally found an acceptable answer. More precisely, the researchers discovered why clouds form around a black hole, they resemble to a certain extent what we have on Earth, but only visually, because their content is much different from the one existing here.

The black hole it does not attract clouds in any form that has been created in the universe, but only very large ones have cloud formations around them, which was hardly explained. It seems that NASA managed to discover that only a black hole that has a mass over 100.000 times that of the sun can have clouds formed around it, which of course makes it quite difficult to observe and explain this important phenomenon .

Black Hole: The AMAZING Mystery Hardly Explained by Researchers

The black hole nori nasa
Image made by NASA.

The black hole it is like a kind of vacuum cleaner, its gravitational power pulling in almost any kind of objects from the entire universe, but some of the gases that reach its vicinity, remain there. The area near the horizon line that any black hole has is full of a lot of radiated energy, and because of the speed with which some particles move in that region, certain amounts of gas are thrown to the outside of that area.

"But black holes aren't really like vacuum cleaners. While some material around a black hole will fall straight in, never to be seen again, some of the nearby gas will be ejected outwards. This is because the area near the event horizon is extremely energetic; high-energy radiation from fast-moving particles around the black hole can eject a significant amount of gas into the immensity of space."

The black hole it can throw gases violently even up to 3.3 light years from its center, and the distances these gas clouds cover can be as great as that between Earth and the nearest star beyond the sun, Proxima Centauri. The way in which these clouds form around what we know to be a black hole remained a mystery for a long time, but after analyzing several such locations in the universe, the explanations came.

The black hole it is an area of ​​the universe that remains a challenge for researchers who are interested in learning as many secrets as possible about these vast, seemingly unexplained regions.