iOS 13.5 has been RELEASED by Apple, here is the FULL List of Changes

iOS 13.5 has been RELEASED by Apple, here is the FULL List of Changes

iOS 13.5 was officially released this evening by the Apple company after a rather long period of development, and this is because there are also some very important news, as you can see in the list below.

The most important of all novelties is based on the monitoring of contacts between people to be able to identify possible meetings between people who are infected, or not, with the Coronavirus, but the system will not be useful everywhere.

Apart from this very important system, iOS 13.5 also comes with other changes, quite useful for many users, but this system, if used correctly, could be extremely useful to stop the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic.

"iOS 13.5 makes the passcode entry field faster on Face ID devices if the user is wearing a face mask, and includes an exposure notification API compatible with public health authorities' COVID-19 contact tracing apps . This update also provides the option to control the automatic highlighting of video windows in Group FaceTime calls, fixes issues, and includes other improvements.

Make ID and passcode

  • Provides a simplified unlocking process for Face ID devices if the user is wearing a face mask
  • The passcode input field is automatically presented after swiping up from the bottom of the lock screen when the user is wearing a face mask
  • Also works for signing in to the App Store, Apple Books, Apple Pay, iTunes, and other apps that allow Face ID authentication

Exposure notification

  • Includes an exposure notification API compatible with public health authorities' COVID-19 contact tracing applications


  • Provides an option to control auto-highlighting in Group FaceTime calls so that video windows do not resize when a participant is speaking

This update also fixes issues and includes other improvements.

  • Fixes an issue that could cause a black screen when trying to stream video content from some websites
  • Fixes an issue with the sharing panel that could prevent suggestions and actions from loading"