Netflix: Announced RADICAL Measure Targeting Subscribers

Netflix announced today a radical measure aimed at subscribers all over the world, here's what the streaming company will start doing today.

Netflix disable

Netflix announced last night a radical new measure that he wants to apply to his platform starting right now, and we're talking about something that comes as a completely unexpected surprise today. Netflix announced that it intends to automatically deactivate the accounts of subscribers who have not watched the movies, series, documentaries from the platform for some time, even if they are active and pay a monthly subscription for the services.

Netflix it targets those who haven't watched any movies or series on its platform for at least a year, but still pay money for the subscription, and it will practically "clean" its subscriber base. We are talking about a measure that is more than likely only taken after a careful analysis of the subscriber base, and of the impact that a mass unsubscription of subscribers would have on the number of people who pay for subscriptions now.

Netflix: Announced RADICAL Measure Targeting Subscribers

Netflix will start sending emails, or push notifications on phones, to those who have subscriptions and haven't watched movies and series for at least a year, waiting for them to confirm that they still want to keep their subscriptions active. If, after a certain period of time, the subscribers do not respond to these messages, those from Netflix will consider that they no longer want to pay, and will automatically cancel the respective subscriptions, which exempts them from payment.

"So we're asking everyone who hasn't watched anything on Netflix in the year since they joined to confirm they want to keep their membership. Members will start seeing these emails or in app notifications this week. If they don't confirm that they want to keep their subscription, we'll automatically unsubscribe them. If someone changes their mind later, it's very easy to restart Netflix.”

Netflix says that these accounts that could disappear from its subscriber base represent about 0.5% of the total number of active accounts in the platform, that is, somewhere around a few hundred thousand payers. This, of course, will reduce Netflix's subscriber base by many tens of millions of dollars per year, but the company says that it has already taken into account this change, and that it wants to save people from paying for something they do not need in reality.

Netflix will start applying this change from the next period, and it will have an impact all over the world, so including in Romania, so you know why the account automatically disappeared if you no longer use it.