UBER: New TARIFF Introduced for Rides made by Customers

UBER has announced the launch of a new rate for the rides made by customers, here is how much customers will pay based on the company's new calculation method.

UBER hourly

UBER announced the introduction of a new rate for the rides that are made by customers in certain areas of the globe, and apparently it is meant to help people in the rides that they do. We are talking about a new hourly rate that UBER has available for rides that last longer and have more destinations, the goal being to help customers have a clearer estimate of a trip that can last more than an hour, which which not many people do regularly.

UBER wants to help the drivers to make longer journeys, which will bring them higher incomes, with people who would normally use other means of public transport to solve various daily tasks in the cities. UBER wants to convince these people to stop using public transport, but to use a car from the platform, and to have a clear estimate of the price of the ride they are going to make.

UBER: New TARIFF Introduced for Rides made by Customers

UBER will charge a fee of $50 per hour in the US as part of this new rate, and customers will have to specify before the race approximately how long it would last, something that could be difficult to estimate. The bad part is if the respective ride will be shorter, as well as the time period, the customer will anyway pay the estimated value when initiating the ride through UBER, which could upset many people, and could convince people to avoid the new rate.

UBER does not allow the use of this rate for flights to airports, and in certain cities there could be a kilometer limit, of course a few dozen, not a very small one. If the time period, or distance, initially estimated is exceeded, then UBER will charge customers based on the standard rates for its rides, so it might be a good idea to estimate in the minus in order not to pay more than the actual cost of the respective rides.

UBER it tested the new tariff in Europe before applying it in the USA, and most likely it will also be launched in Romania at some point, but it is not known exactly when.