Ministry of Health: WARNING regarding the increase in the number of new infections with the Coronavirus

Ministry of Health coronavirus warning

The Ministry of Health published today the new statistics regarding the number of infections with the new Coronavirus, and to the surprise of many we are talking about a doubling of the number of new infections compared to two days ago, reaching 238 new cases, the highest figure in the last 9 days.

The Ministry of Health warns Romanians that this alarming increase in the number of cases must be an alarm signal for many who should be much more careful and more rigorously respect the protective measures against infection.

"Considering the number of newly confirmed cases, which are above the average of the last week, we draw attention to the strict observance of the rules of sanitary conduct and prevention of the spread of the new coronavirus, especially those related to wearing a mask in closed spaces, avoiding contact, frequent hand hygiene and keeping distance from other people."