Fortnite: New Bug that ANGERS a lot of Players

Fortnite has a new problem discovered by players who are active in the virtual platform of Epic Games, and we are talking about a bug that has already started to annoy a lot of people, with complaints constantly coming on social networks.

Fortnite has a bug that apparently only affects Macs, and thanks to it players can re-enter a Battle Royale after half of the players have been killed, something that normally shouldn't be possible unless - there would be a problem.

Fortnite has presented in the video clip above how this bug manifests itself in the game, and you can see that Epic Games has a few things to solve before the players start complaining in even greater numbers about the discovered problem.

Fortnite does not have this problem mentioned by the company among those that are known and are being solved, so the chances of this happening depend very much on how many people will report it so that the situation is returned to normal.

Fortnite has constantly discovered various problems that affect in one way or another the gaming experience enjoyed by users all over the world, and in general Epic Games tries to solve the problems quickly, although it does not always succeed in doing so as it wants