Planet Saturn: The Mystery that STUNNED ALL Researchers

The planet Saturn has an amazing mystery revealed by researchers, here is what they managed to discover based on the detailed analyzes made in the universe.

Planet Saturn hexagon

Planet Saturn it has a mystery that amazed all the researchers, who analyzed very carefully what is happening there, and reached a surprising conclusion, from many points of view. More precisely, the researchers who closely monitor the planet Saturn discovered that a strange phenomenon is happening at its north pole, and a mysterious structure is visible in the images that were taken by NASA.

Planet Saturn would have what appears to be a hexagonal structure in the area of ​​the North Pole, which appeared there without any researcher having any explanation regarding its nature. Well, after careful analysis, two researchers claim that that hexagonal structure on the planet Saturn is made up of small vortices that are created by the flow of gases from the cosmic body's atmosphere, the way they orient themselves being at the center of the structure's formation.

Planet Saturn: The Mystery that STUNNED ALL Researchers

planet saturn hexagon vortex
PHOTO: NASA\/JPL-Caltech\/Space Science Institute

Planet Saturn it has some of the shapes of these structures given by horizontal jets of air that move at a latitude of 60 degrees above the equatorial zone, they generate the sharp shape of those hexagons. Very strong vortices exist in the atmosphere of the planet Saturn, but they appear in the areas below the clouds in the lower atmosphere, so they were not visible by the Voyager 2 spacecraft, which passed by the cosmic body in 1981.

"Saturn's hexagon is fascinating, but also strange: the strange phenomenon occurs only at the north pole of the planet. Saturn's atmospheric currents create large and small vortices near the ringed planet's north pole. A strong horizontal jet that travels about 60 degrees latitude above the equator is trapped and confined to these vortices, which defines the edge of the hexagon."

Planet Saturn did not have this mystery revealed by some researchers even with the help of the information provided by the Cassini ship based on the images taken between 2004 and 2017. Despite this, now the researchers have an interesting explanation for the hexagonal structure that exists on the planet Saturn, and from here I can go on to make other important discoveries.

Planet Saturn it is still a source of many mysteries for researchers from all over the world, but it remains to be seen how much more will be discovered by them in the near future.