Black Hole: Researchers STUNNED by what they Observed

The black hole that would have formed in a distant galaxy amazed the researchers who monitor the entire cosmic space very carefully.

supernova black hole

The black hole it is an extremely mysterious object, and the researchers of the southern European observatory were stunned by what they saw at a considerable distance from our Earth. More precisely, they believe that it is possible that a blue star in the Kinman galaxy turned into a black hole because it simply disappeared from the area where it was observed, and this would be one of the explanations they have now taken into account.

The black hole formed after the disappearance of this star, which had a brightness 2.5 million times stronger than that of the Earth, would not be visible to researchers. In this idea, they believe that the disappearance of the star from their observations would be due either to its transformation into a black hole or to its hiding behind a cloud of cosmic dust, and since both theories are plausible, they are trying to see if they have witnessed a special event.

Black Hole: Researchers STUNNED by what they Observed

The black hole which would be formed after an event of this kind would be a supermassive one, considering the size of the star that would have gone through this extremely important process. The star would not have turned into a supernova because so far researchers have not discovered any evidence of such an explosion, but they say that it is possible that it could have turned into a black hole, if it is not hidden behind a cloud of very dense cosmic dust.

"Using the European Observatory's Very Large Telescope (VLT), astronomers have discovered the absence of a massive unstable star in a dwarf galaxy. Scientists believe this could indicate that the star has become less bright and partially obscured by dust. An alternative explanation is that the star collapsed into a black hole without producing a supernova. "If true," says team leader and PhD student Andrew Allan of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, "this would be the first direct detection of such a monster star ending its life in this way."

The black hole formed in such a way would be something completely unusual, and this is because, so far, researchers have discovered that stars first turn into supernovae, and then become black holes. The researchers' discovery is a very interesting one, and if the star turned directly into a black hole, then we can talk about a first for those who observed this.

The black hole the result will never be visible to researchers on Earth, so it will most likely remain a mystery if it is not a cloud of cosmic dust behind which the star in that galaxy would hide.