DIGI Romania: IMPORTANT Announcement for Customers, Great News

DIGI Romania made a very important announcement for customers from all over the country, this is great news for everyone starting today.

DIGI Romania smart

DIGI Romania made this evening an important announcement for its clients in Romania, and we are talking about great news that clients should know about because it is of great benefit to them. Those from DIGI Romania announced that Raiffeisen Bank offers them the opportunity to automatically pay their bills for the services they benefit from every month, and all thanks to the new Smart Mobile platform, recently launched by the bank.

DIGI Romania has for some time been encouraging the online payment of invoices for services benefiting clients from all over the country, and what it has now announced in partnership with Raiffeisen reinforces this message. Practically, considering that DIGI Romania issues invoices with fixed amounts for its clients in Romania, Smart Mobile can pay them automatically every month without any of its clients having to pay manually to RCS & RDS.

DIGI Romania: IMPORTANT Announcement for Customers, Great News

DIGI Romania he is trying to teach Romanians to give up standard invoices, in paper format, and this is because we are in the year 2020, and we should enter the digital era. DIGI Romania is the only provider of telecommunications services that sends its customers the bill including via WhatsApp, something completely innovative for a country like Romania, but even so, it seems that not everyone appreciates this inclination towards what is new.

Did you know that at #Raiffeisen you don't have to pay the bill every month? Just activate Direct Debit from…

Published by DIGI Romania pe Friday, July 10, 2020

DIGI Romania promotes the service that Raiffeisen Bank offers for its clients through Smart Mobile, but the reality is that even those from ING have something similar implemented. It is possible that other banks in our country also offer the option to automatically pay invoices from DIGI Romania, or other companies, so you should look into the internet banking systems that your bank offers for you .

DIGI Romania will continue to give customers new reasons to stop going to stores, and to pay their bills online, even automatically, if possible.