Facebook Messenger: The Cool Trick You Didn't Know About

Facebook Messenger has a great trick that you probably didn't know about until now, here's what you can do in the phone application.

Facebook Messenger active

Facebook Messenger is the application with 1.5 billion active users globally at the moment, a huge number of people who use the messaging platform every day. Because Facebook Messenger is so popular, the Facebook company constantly implements news for it, and this brings us a lot of very interesting tricks that we can use in our everyday life to enjoy more functionality in it.

Facebook Messenger has a very interesting trick that gives us the possibility to disable the information regarding the new status in the platform, i.e. whether we are active or not, when we use the platform. Facebook Messenger has implemented such a system that tells other people if we are active on the platform, and how long we have been active at a given moment, many using it to monitor other people's online activity.

Facebook Messenger: The Cool Trick You Didn't Know About

Facebook Messenger active deactivation

Facebook Messenger can have this system completely disabled by any user, and so you can hide from the people who harass you, or from anyone you never want to talk to. Facebook Messenger has a special option for this system available in the settings menu of the application, or of the website, if you also use the platform on PC, from there everything can be deactivated in just a few seconds, and thus you become completely invisible.

Facebook Messenger however, it also has a small disadvantage with this functionality, and this is because the deactivation includes the impossibility of seeing if other people are active or not. The exact same thing is happening in WhatsApp, with Facebook implementing systems identically for Facebook Messenger and the other messaging platform to force people to choose how they can be seen, or not.

Facebook Messenger has had this functionality available for a very long time, so there's no secret about what it offers, but if you didn't know how to disable the system, now you know everything.