Android: The GREAT news that the WHOLE World MUST know about

Android has some great news that everyone needs to know about, that's how important it is for all of us right now.

Android it is the most used operating system for mobile terminals, and not only that, and for the people of the whole planet comes today a great news that everyone should know about. We are talking about an extremely interesting new project that brings us the opportunity to see which of the phones running Android are the most secure, and so people who care about data security can also choose a phone that meets their expectations.

Android is an operating system for which various security problems are constantly discovered, the vast majority of them being solved very quickly by Google. Unfortunately, what Google solves doesn't reach regular users as quickly, and that's because phone manufacturers are in no hurry to offer Android updates with all the security patches that the American company offers for them.

Android: The GREAT news that the WHOLE World MUST know about

Android will have in a database, created by IT security experts, detailed phone models that have various vulnerabilities, or for which they have already been blocked. This database will also list information about the frequency with which security patches for Android are released, so people will know in advance what to expect if they buy a certain phone model or another.

Android has publicly revealed the security problems, but also the solutions, and the researchers who created this database want to provide as much information as possible for people. They target a variety of aspects regarding the security of the Android operating system, so people can see very clearly how susceptible their future phone is to being compromised by hackers, but also in what ways this can be done.

Android it remains an extremely popular operating system, highly targeted by hackers, but this motivates the people at Google to constantly improve it.