Android: Google's UNPRECEDENTED decision for Phones

Android has an unprecedented decision imposed by the Google company for phones all over the world, here's what happens from now on.

Android beautification

Android is the target of an unprecedented decision made by the Google company for phones all over the world, and we are talking about an extremely good one, which will more than likely do more good than bad for users. Those from Google have taken the decision that, starting with version 11 of the Android operating system, they will prohibit the implementation in camera applications of systems that modify the features of the face in order to eliminate their imperfections.

Android in certain applications, the Camera for phones includes a so-called "beauty mode", that is, a function that modifies the photos immediately after recording, and removes facial imperfections, such as spots, skin color, etc. This measure applies to all Android phones that are certified by Google to be put up for sale, so we're talking about everything from Samsung, Xiaomi, OPPO, Vivo, Nokia, Sony, LG, and many other manufacturers.

Android: Google's UNPRECEDENTED decision for Phones

Android it is not certified for Huawei phones, so changes of this kind can still be made there, so that the pictures can be changed even during recording to eliminate the imperfections of the face. In the rest of the phones, the people from Google want people to be as natural as possible in the original pictures taken using their phones, but after registration they can use any kind of Android applications with the idea of ​​retouching the way they were captured in those images.

Android has, paradoxically, imposed a rule that generated problems last year for Apple, after the iPhone 11 series began to unnecessarily modify the pictures of people who had bought the phones. Apple was at the center of a pretty serious scandal last year because of the automatic changes made to people's faces by its phones, and now we see that in Android things are going in the right direction, with Google wanting to preserve the naturalness of people's faces in photos.

Android will have this change imposed starting with version 11 for all those who use phones with this operating system, so it is unlikely that you will not be affected by it in any way.