Romanian government: masks could be mandatory in open spaces

Romanian government mandatory masks open spaces

The Romanian government is finally thinking of imposing the obligation to wear masks, including in crowded open spaces, as is already happening in many other European countries where the Coronavirus pandemic is not as out of control as it is in our country.

The Romanian government is discussing the introduction of the obligation to wear a face mask in open public spaces regardless of where we are, whether it is the market, walking along the seafront, or in the center of a city, the condition being that there is agglomeration in that area.

The Romanian government will also have to come up with a very clear definition of crowding so that there is no ambiguity when fines will be given, and the sooner this obligation is imposed, and implemented with the police, the faster we could prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

"We had discussions with several prefects, several representatives from the county committees for emergency situations who told us that there are places even outdoors, for example a market or a seafront, where, due to the crowding, there is a risk of spread and we also discuss the possibility of imposing the wearing of the mask in such very crowded spaces.

We are trying to take specific measures to reduce the risk of spread in possible areas with a high risk of spread."