DSU: new call for compliance with protective measures against the Coronavirus

dsu call for compliance with the coronavirus measures

The DSU published today a new message asking Romanians to respect the protective measures against the Coronavirus, and you can see below a video clip of those from UNICEF that the authorities in Romania are promoting so that it also reaches children.

During the state of emergency, DSU published a lot of messages in which it tried to convince Romanians about the fact that they need to protect themselves against infection with the new Coronavirus, then many understood the importance of this, but now the situation is different.

"Be an example for your child! Together, we will win!

To support all the efforts made by those in line 1, with responsibility and caution we will be able to defeat this battle with the "unseen enemy".

For our health and that of those around us, regardless of age, we must continue to follow the general rules to reduce the risk of infection with the new Coronavirus.

🔴Wear the protective mask!
🔴Wash your hands often!
🔴 Don't touch your nose, mouth, eyes if you don't have disinfected hands!
🔴 Respect the rules of social distancing!

The fight is not over! But with help, with caution, with responsibility from us, from everyone, we will win!"

Be an example for your child! Together, we will win! To support all the efforts made by those in line 1,…

Published by Department for Emergency Situations pe Tuesday, July 28, 2020