Ministry of Health: how many intensive care beds are there for the Coronavirus

Ministry of Health intensive care beds Coronavirus

The Ministry of Health, through Minister Nelu Tataru, revealed yesterday how many fully equipped intensive care beds there are currently dedicated to the Coronavirus in Romania, and the number is much lower than you would have imagined.

The Ministry of Health says that there are 840 fully equipped intensive care beds in Romania, with 112 intubated patients, out of a total of 377 people admitted to ATI at the moment, and the objective is to increase the number of beds.

"As you know, today we have an up-to-date assessment, with 840 beds in intensive care, with everything that is necessary, from which, as we knew, from the report of the National Committee for Emergency Situations. And at this moment 120 patients are intubated out of the 377 who are hospitalized."

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban's statements at the beginning of the government meeting on July 29

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban's statements at the beginning of the government meeting on July 29 #GovernulRomaniei #LudovicOrban #sedintadeguvern

Published by The Government of Romania on Wednesday, July 29, 2020