Facebook: the decision that took many people by surprise

Facebook remembers

Facebook revealed a decision that took many people by surprise, the American company saying that it wants to radically change the way people see artificial intelligence, and to make a system that knows much more about us than it does now.

Facebook wants to make an artificial intelligence system that learns so much from our lives that it knows exactly what we do, and also knows how to remind us to do certain things that we normally forget to do, which it would be very helpful for many people.

Facebook is working on this project in partnership with other companies, and everything is currently in the early stages of the development process, but the interest is huge vis-à-vis what the American company wants to do now to know even more about us.

"On Friday, Facebook announced new AI research that could help pave the way for a significant change in how artificial intelligence — and some devices that incorporate that technology — work in our everyday lives.

The company announced a real-world sound simulator that will allow researchers to train AI systems in three-dimensional virtual spaces with sounds that mimic those occurring inside, opening up the possibility that an AI assistant could one day help you follow a phone ringing. a distant room.
Facebook also unveiled an indoor mapping tool designed to help AI systems better understand and remember details about indoor spaces, such as how many chairs are in a dining room or whether a cup is on the counter.
You can't do it with technology as it is today. Smart speakers generally can't "see" the world around them, and computers aren't as good as humans at finding their way around indoor spaces.: