WhatsApp: Very IMPORTANT Secret Change in Phones

WhatsApp has a very important secret change made for the phones of users, all over the world, here is what you will be able to do in the application.

WhatsApp cleaning

WhatsApp has a very important change for the phones of users all over the world, and we are talking about something that everyone should know about, especially since there are billions of users around the world who are now using the application. Those at WhatsApp thought that it wouldn't hurt if they implemented a special system on Android phones that would allow viewing in a more detailed format the space occupied by the application, and its files.

WhatsApp the image below shows this radical change for the way it displays information for us, and you can see that we are talking about a rearrangement of the information regarding the space occupied by chats, pictures, video clips, etc. In the first part of the interface of the new section with information on the storage space occupied by files, we can see what percentage of the total space available in the phone's storage environment is occupied by WhatsApp and its files.

WhatsApp: Very IMPORTANT Secret Change in Phones

WhatsApp space cleaning

WhatsApp displays in the second part of the section all the files that have been sent back, and that have been downloaded to our phones, with the option to delete them completely to free up as much space as possible to save other files in the phones. The fourth area of ​​the section shows us the largest files within WhatsApp that were sent or received through conversations, so we can see very quickly what takes up too little space, and must disappear.

WhatsApp in the last area of ​​the section, it also has a list of all the conversations that occupy most of the space on our phones, so we can see very quickly where the biggest problems are. Thanks to the way in which this section with information is arranged, we can find out very quickly what exactly needs to be deleted from all the files that are present there, so that the WhatsApp application does not take up so much space on our phones.

WhatsApp is working on finalizing this feature, and will release it when it is 100% ready to be offered, although no one knows exactly when this point will be reached, so we just have to wait and see what will come.