The Government of Romania: change for the electoral mitigations in the fall

The Romanian government electoral mitigations

The Romanian government has announced an important last-minute change regarding the electoral rallies that can take place on the territory of our country during the electoral campaign that will start in a few days, the maximum number of people allowed at these events being 100.

The Romanian government says that all those present will have to wear masks even if the events will take place outdoors, all to maintain a high level of protection against the spread of the new Coronavirus, and we hope that the rules will be respected by people.

"It is clear that we will impose the obligation of candidates and supporter teams to wear a mask during electoral activity, even outdoors in campaign actions in public places, direct house-to-house campaigning. We will also have to make decisions related to electoral events, which will be limited to a maximum of 50 people in closed spaces and to a maximum of 100 people in open spaces.

Obviously, at all electoral events the participants in the events must follow the rules similar to the rules at cultural events, i.e. keep the distance, wear a mask, disinfect"

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban's statements at the beginning of the government meeting on August 27

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban's statements at the beginning of the government meeting on August 27 #GovernulRomaniei #LudovicOrban #sedintadeguvern

Published by The Government of Romania on Thursday, August 27, 2020