Milky Way: STUNNING Announcement, MAJOR Discovery in the Galaxy

The Milky Way is at the center of an amazing announcement that presents us with a major discovery that seemed completely impossible, but which totally changes the world in which we live.

Milky way exoplanets

Milky way is once again at the center of a stunning announcement that shows us how many very big surprises are hiding in our galaxy, and how important it is to know about as many of them as quickly as possible. According to a discovery made by scientists, there are more exoplanets than stars in the Milky Way galaxy, something that until now no scientist would have thought to say about the galaxy.

Milky way there would be a lot of exoplanets moving freely through our galaxy at the moment, with masses similar to those of the planet Mars, but no one is stopping them from their journey through the entire cosmos. Scientists don't know where exactly these exoplanets come from, and that's where their name comes from, having their origin in the front of the Milky Way galaxy, but no one knows clearly where, considering that they move freely through the universe.

Milky Way: STUNNING Announcement, MAJOR Discovery in the Galaxy

Milky way would have these planets in all its extent, without the scientists knowing very clearly how many there are, or where they are, they also having a possible very unusual way of formation for a planet. Some scientists say that these exoplanets could be formed from the gases eliminated by the stars, whether it is the ones in the Milky Way, or others from other galaxies, and then they would be thrown into a universe by interacting with other plates.

"The universe could be full of rogue planets and we wouldn't even know. We'll never know without undertaking a thorough, space-based microlensing survey like Roman will. As our view of the Universe expanded, we realized that our solar system may be unusual. Identifying those planets will help scientists deduce the total number of these rogue planets in our galaxy."

Milky way it has many stars inside it, but in our solar system there are 7 planets that revolve around the star in its "center", but these exoplanets do not have such orbits, they circulate freely. Earth will not move freely through the Milky Way, remaining in orbit around the sun, but the exoplanets now discovered by researchers wander from solar system to solar system, without staying anywhere, and no one knows how to track them.

Milky way it is just one of the galaxies that exist in the solar system, so we can talk about a very large number of exoplanets that move non-stop everywhere, some of them even being able to collide with other planets in the galaxy.