Raed Arafat: The announcement after the extension of the state of alert in Romania

Raed Arafat extension of alert status

Raed Arafat held a press briefing following the meeting of the Government of Romania in which the decision to extend the state of emergency was adopted, along with a series of other measures that will be applied in our country, including regarding the local elections at the end this month.

Raed Arafat says that during the elections, people will receive masks to enter the polling stations, even if they come without, they will have their body temperature measured upon entry, and separately from that, contact sports will resume, demonstrations with maximum 100 people, but the indoor pools remain closed.

Press briefing held at the end of the government meeting by Raed Arafat, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Press briefing held at the end of the government meeting by Raed Arafat, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Internal Affairs #RaedArafat #sedintadeguvern

Published by The Government of Romania on Monday, September 14, 2020