iOS 14.2 is already in the works for release on iPhone and iPad

iOS 14.2 xcode

iOS 14.2 is already in full development to be released for iPhone and iPad, the Apple company "jumping" over iOS 14.1 to offer a bigger update for all those who decide to install the new version of the operating system for iDevices .

iOS 14.2 is going to be released for everyone sometime in the next few weeks, if not even earlier, those from Cupertino hastened the distribution of iOS 13.1 last year to solve the multiple problems reported by users.

iOS 14.2 has not yet been offered even in a beta version by Apple, the information about its release being revealed by Apple through Xcode 12.2 beta, so the intentions of those from Cupertino are quite clear now.

"Xcode 12.2 Beta contains SDKs for iOS 14.2, iPadOS 14.2, tvOS 14.2, watchOS 7.1 and macOS Big Sur 11. The Beta version of Xcode 12.2 supports debugging on the device for iOS 9 and higher, tvOS 9 and higher and watchOS 2 and higher . Für Xcode 12.2 Beta ist ein Mac mit Apple Silicon unter MacOS Big Sur 11 oder höher oder ein Intel-basierter Mac mit MacOS Catalina 10.15.4 oder höher erforderlich.”