The Black Hole: HUGE Scientific Discovery for Mankind

The black hole remains an object of great interest to scientists, and a recent discovery shows us how little we still know about these objects.

The fantastic Black Hole

The black hole it is the most difficult object to analyze in the entire universe, and this is because it is very difficult to observe such an object, firstly, and secondly, because when they are observed, they are difficult to monitor. Despite this, the researchers managed to discover what they consider to be a special category of objects of this kind, that is, a black hole so big that it surpasses any other in the universe.

The black hole what we are talking about here is a guy that could have a mass equivalent to up to 100 times that of our sun, that is, it would be about something huge in size, something that is also very difficult to observe. The largest known black hole has a mass that is equal to what 66 billion stars like the sun in our solar system would have, so we are talking about a huge object from all points of view.

The Black Hole: HUGE Scientific Discovery for Mankind

The black hole so large would be easier to notice than others of much smaller size, but even so, we are talking about incredibly large objects, which also occupy a vast area of ​​the universe, and consume many other cosmic objects around them. Since a black hole with such a large mass has been discovered, it is not excluded that one has a mass equal to that of 100 billion stars like the sun, at least in theory.

"A team of scientists now suggests that black holes could reach what they call 'stunningly large' sizes, each harboring the mass of 100 billion suns or more. In the new study, the researchers called black holes 100 billion solar masses in size or larger — larger than any currently seen — "extraordinarily large black holes," or SLABs. While they noted that there is currently no evidence that amazingly large black holes are real, they noted that supermassive black holes exist almost that size.”

The black hole so big it would represent a danger for planets, stars, comets, asteroids in any galaxy, and that's because it would swallow a vast amount of objects that pass by its proximity in their journeys through the universe. Scientists are still looking for evidence of the existence of such objects, but it is quite clear that they exist in the universe, and that we should look carefully at what is happening around them.

The black hole from the Milky Way galaxy has a mass equivalent to that of 4.5 million stars like the sun, so it is quite small compared to the giant one that was discovered by scientists.