Google will let many of its employees work permanently from home

google employees work at home

Google was one of the big companies that decided to let its employees work from home during the Coronavirus pandemic, many of those who work for the company avoid going to the office, and the situation will remain in good condition the same measure in the future.

Google conducted a survey among employees to see how many want to return to work, and how many want to continue working from home, and 62% of respondents said they want to work partly at home, partly at the office, even after the end of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Google said that at least until the end of 2020 its employees will be able to work from home without any problem, but this measure will most likely be extended in 2021 because a vaccine for the Coronavirus will not appear in the meantime, and the pandemic will not disappear like a miracle from all over the world.

"Google is planning a world where many of its employees never return to the office full-time, its chief executive has revealed. Sundar Pichai said that 62% of Google employees have expressed an interest in returning to the office part-time, and that the company will try to accommodate this desire even after the Covid pandemic subsides.”