The Black Hole: The LIAR Study that DECEIVED All of Mankind

The black hole was used as a subject for a lying study that fooled all of humanity, here is the information that misled everyone.

black hole earth

The black hole is one of the most difficult objects in the universe to study, this is because, firstly, they are very difficult to detect, and secondly, because they are very far away from the Earth, and they are difficult to observe. A recent fake study, published by people without scientific training, claims that there is a big black hole in the center of the Earth, which of course is not true in any way, because we would not exist.

The black hole it is a huge object in the universe that swallows everything that reaches its vicinity, its gravitational forces being so strong that they attract everything to its interior, and from there no one knows exactly where they end up. It is impossible for a black hole to exist in the center of a planet, and this is because it would have devoured the entire planet, so it would no longer exist, so the theory itself is based on absolutely nothing real, and is completely false, as many knew.

The Black Hole: The LIAR Study that DECEIVED All of Mankind

The black hole it is still an interesting topic for many, so some people were very easily fooled by this fake study, and started to distribute it on a fairly large scale, which of course also generated many problems. Of course, all those who know what a black hole means passed over the information as if it did not exist, so that some were not fooled by the false information that circulated, but it is good to know what is being distributed.

The black hole the closest to the Earth, from what is known so far, is in the center of the Milky Way galaxy, being many light years away from us, and that is good, because it does not affect us directly. If the Earth had orbited a nearby black hole, it is very possible that our life would have been very different, if it had existed, so it is good that we do not have any such dangerous object in the universe near us.

The black hole it still remains an object of interest for researchers, but they will more than likely not discover that there is one in the very center of the Earth, or in the center of any other planet in the universe.