CEC Bank: Very IMPORTANT message for Romanian Customers

CEC Bank has a very important message for all its clients in Romania, here is what it announced, and what you should know right now.

CEC Bank he is trying to pleasantly surprise all his clients in Romania with a very important message that everyone should know about right now, and this is because it is about something very helpful for everyone. More precisely, CEC Bank informs customers from all over Romania that they can use their application to make a variety of transactions, and not only that, through it.

CEC Bank has launched its Mobile Banking application for some time, it is intended to facilitate all clients the possibility to manage their bank accounts much more easily. Of course, we are also talking about other very good functionalities that CEC Bank has implemented in the application offered to customers, but today's message mainly concerns the transactions that can be made from mobile phones.

CEC Bank: Very IMPORTANT message for Romanian Customers

CEC Bank it is not the only bank from which a mobile banking application comes, as some of you already know, so we are not talking about something innovative, but only about a good solution that the bank has. Apart from the monitoring of transactions, CEC Bank also allows, for example, the payment of your taxes through the counter platform, so you don't have to have an account there to pay them, but you can do it from the application.

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Published by CEC Bank pe Sunday, October 4, 2020

CEC Bank it also allows currency exchanges at fixed rates, and closing or opening bank deposits, all directly from your mobile phone, without actually going somewhere to do it. Of course, there are many other functions integrated into its application, it being available for installation for iPhone and Android phones through the App Store and Google Play Store.

CEC Bank allows account activation for using its mobile application including 100% online, so you don't actually have to go to the bank to do this at the moment.