Romanian Government: Very IMPORTANT Warning for all citizens

The Romanian government is emoting

The Romanian government, through the CERT-RO institution, comes today with a very important warning for all citizens of Romania, one that is good to know because it is about a very serious problem that affects many people from all over the world.

The Romanian government shows Romanians how to check if they have been attacked by the malware called Emotet, and if they have been infected by hackers, something that is completely possible, but at least you can know if you need to take additional measures to protect your accounts .

"The CERT-RO team comes to the support of users with a new tutorial dedicated to the identification and removal of #banking malware.

If last week we explained how you can use the tool available for free on GitHub to scan devices, today's solution focuses on scanning email addresses or domains.

This recent tool was published online yesterday by a team of #cybersecurity specialists.

EMOTET infects computers with the #Microsoft #Windows operating system, via infected malspam links or attachments (eg PDF, DOC, etc.)."

The CERT-RO team comes to the support of users with a new tutorial dedicated to the identification and removal of #malware...

Published by CERT-RO pe Thursday, October 1, 2020
