Nelu Tataru: New WARNING for Romanian citizens

Nelu Tataru warning Romanian citizens

Today, Nelu Tataru has a new warning for all Romanian citizens, one that it is very good for everyone to know because we are talking about our safety, and it is good to protect ourselves as much as we can against a possible infection, especially since hospitals are already overcrowded.

Nelu Tataru also has a special message for those who want to go to Iasi on a pilgrimage for St. Parascheva, telling them that they must respect the physical distance, wear a mask, and disinfect themselves, and this is because very crowded places are usually created there. large, with hundreds of thousands of people.

"Each activity is regulated by certain rules and we must respect them. At the beginning of this pandemic, we said that we would not have a normal year like the other years. We didn't have Easter holidays like in the other years, we didn't have Pentecost, we didn't have vacations, we didn't have the beginning of the school year. So these holidays will not be like the other years either.

We don't necessarily have to think of a big number. Those who come must observe some precautions. Whether we like it or not, we are in the time of a pandemic, whether we like it or not, it's the Iasi Holidays, but we will have to adapt them to the context we live in today." A declared Nelu Tataru at DIGI 24.