Facebook bans content that denies the Holocaust

Facebook The Holocaust

Facebook made a very controversial decision, the American company deciding that within its platform there should no longer be content that denies the existence of the Holocaust, which comes as an extremely good measure in order not to confuse people all over the world.

Facebook has changed its attitude towards these posts after for two years it refused to delete from the platform posts that deny the existence of the Holocaust, but now things are completely different, at least according to the company's CEO.

Facebook has made many controversial decisions over time, refusing to delete content from its platform that was clearly offensive, but sometimes the CEO of the company also makes good decisions, even if they come very late in relation to the moment in which problems occur.

"I wrestled with the tension between expressing freedom of speech and the harm caused by minimizing or denying the horror of the Holocaust. My thinking has evolved as I've seen data showing an increase in anti-Semitic violence, as have our broader policies on hate speech."