BCR Romania: MANDATORY Measure Taken for Romanian Customers

BCR Romania has taken a mandatory measure for all its clients in Romania, one that everyone should know about at the moment.

BCR Romania call

BCR Romania took a mandatory measure for all clients in Romania, as it happened in the case of other banks in our country, being a uniform movement that targets all clients in our country. Those from BCR Romania are asking customers from all over the country to update their personal data, just like the other banks are doing at the moment, all of them have messages asking people to provide their updated personal information now.

BCR Romania has been coming up with this request for some time for its clients from all over the country, and in recent months has tried to convince as many of them as possible to update their data online, even without going to one of its branches. We are talking about a very laborious process carried out by both BCR Romania and other banks in our country, and this is because the obligations imposed by the BNR on banks require constant updating of personal data.

BCR Romania: MANDATORY Measure Taken for Romanian Customers

BCR Romania calls for an update

BCR Romania it does not do anything different compared to other banks in Romania at the moment, and this is because they all acted in the same way, asking their customers to update their data, but mainly online, without calling them in any of the branches across the country . This measure is a very good one because it saves customers from visiting some locations of BCR Romania where they would have to wait in line to enter, which can be dangerous.

BCR Romania has taken the decision to allow the updating of data including online and because since Monday it requires visiting its branches only with a prior appointment, which should make it impossible to crowd its locations. BCR Romania imposes these measures because it is necessary for people to be safe, whether it is about its employees or about customers, but to the same extent it is also necessary to respect the protection measures for customers.

BCR Romania will continue to ask customers to update their personal data, and it is better to do it sooner rather than later, because you will not escape this procedure.