Carrefour: ATTENTION! LAST HOUR WARNING for Romanians

Carrefour published a last-minute warning for all Romanians throughout the country, here's what the chain of stores says for everyone now.

Carrefour closing

Carrefour published just a few hours ago a last-minute warning for all Romanians in the country who want to go to its stores, the chain having an extremely important message to convey. More precisely, the people from Carrefour say that all the stores throughout Romania will be closed, starting today, at 21:00 p.m., so if you haven't managed to do your shopping until then, it will be impossible to go in one of them to make them.

Carrefour does nothing but comply with the provisions of the new restrictive measures imposed by the Romanian Government for all citizens, and all shops, which must be closed at 21:00 at the latest. The measure is intended to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus to the same extent as it has been up to now, and as Carrefour respects Romanian legislation, it was normal to respect what is required of it at this time.

Carrefour: ATTENTION! LAST HOUR WARNING for Romanians

Carrefour says that the opening hours of its stores are changing from now until December 5, although the measures imposed by the Romanian Government apply for 30 days, so it is unlikely that any changes will be made until after that date. Of course, it is equally possible that the Romanian Government will decide that these measures are not enough, and impose others, or extend the current ones, so that Carrefour will close earlier for an even longer period.

Carrefour will open all its stores in Romania from 07:00, and close them at 21:00, so you have less time to do your usual shopping in any of the stores in our country. The measure will be applied to the same extent by the other chains of stores in Romania that are competitors of Carrefour, so we just have to wait for official announcements from all of them, although it goes without saying that this will happen.

Carrefour some shops were open even after 22:00 p.m., but anyway the population is limited in movement after 23:00 p.m., so no one would have arrived in any of them by then anyway.