Fortnite: SECRET Surprise Revealed for ALL Players

fortnite galactus

Fortnite has a very important secret surprise revealed for all players who will be eager to take advantage of what Epic Games has prepared for them, and below we have the first details about what the company wants to offer us all in the very near future.

Fortnite will have an extremely interesting event launched by Epic Games very soon, it being centered around the Marvel character called Galactus, and we can expect the biggest event of this kind organized so far by the American company for players.

Fortnite it will also have a timer that will announce the moment when the special event will make its debut, and below you can see what this special timer should look like that Epic Games has already included in the latest version of the game , but they haven't officially activated it.

Fortnite is going to offer players from all over the world an experience they've never had before, and this as the end of the season, because a new one will start soon, and Epic Games wants to mark the event as it should, but a party like this as the players have never seen before.

Fortnite will have everything revealed in good time for the players, so it only remains to see how long it will take until Epic Games decides to officially announce the surprises, so we have to prepare for the official announcements that will take place in the next period for everything the world.