The Government of Romania: Sibiu enters quarantine, here is when it applies

Romanian Government Sibiu quarantine

The Romanian government made a last-minute decision to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus in the city of Sibiu, so together with the local authorities it was decided to establish quarantine for the municipality starting on Monday, but from tomorrow certain separate restrictions will come into force.

The Romanian government, through Raed Arafat, says that the malls will be closed from tomorrow, starting with the terraces, and other activities that can lead to an increase in the rate of infection with the new Coronavirus among the citizens of the city of Sibiu, the decision being a very difficult one, but necessary in the entire context of the pandemic.

"An exception will be this weekend and every weekend after that, for the duration of the quarantine measure, is the closing of shops and malls throughout the weekend, namely Saturday, Sunday, with the exception of agricultural markets, shops that sell food, pharmacies and those selling essential materials such as pet food etc.

Between 10.00 and 13.00, the procurement of food or necessary materials will be done for people over 65 years old. For leaving the home and quarantined areas, there are exceptions that will be announced, such as professional activity, medical assistance, emergency medical assistance, buying the necessary materials, food, based on the self-responsible declaration."