RCS & RDS: FREE Advantage that Romanian Customers Receive

RCS & RDS announces to its customers from all over Romania about a huge advantage they receive for its services, here is what it is offering for free right now.

RCS & RDS access

RCS & RDS is the largest telecommunications group in Romania, with millions of customers, who receive a huge free advantage if they use its services, but many of them do not even know why they benefit. You know for sure that RCS & RDS offers for some internet subscriptions free access to the DIGI Storage platform, and this comes with many major benefits, but few people know exactly what they receive from the company.

RCS & RDS comes to solve this situation with great news for customers, and tells them that if they use DIGI Storage, they can access the data from the storage account directly from the operating system, without any application. Those from RCS & RDS offer Romanian clients the opportunity to access the data from their accounts using FTP or WebDav, so that accessing the data is much simpler than in the case of using any complex applications.

RCS & RDS: FREE Advantage that Romanian Customers Receive

RCS & RDS offers this access to facilitate the work of those who want to have very fast access to the data in the storage spaces of DIGI Storage, without using applications that they do not need. The idea that RCS & RDS has is an extremely interesting one, and it certainly comes as very good news for many of those who need the storage space that the company offers for those who want to benefit from such an advantage,

RCS & RDS offers here a very big advantage compared to other telecommunications operators, who either do not have cloud-type systems available for clients, or do not have ones that offer so many options to access data. RCS & RDS knows that people want to have quick and easy access to their data, so the options they offer at the moment are some of the best available for everyone, and it's good to enjoy this.

RCS & RDS offers free storage space in DIGI Storage for some of the subscriptions, while for others it is necessary to pay another monthly subscription to benefit from access to the platform.