Romanian Police: winter warning for all Romanian drivers

Romanian Police warning tires lights welcome

The Romanian Police issued today a very important new warning for all drivers in Romania, one that you should know about right now because the authorities have already started patrolling the streets to see if drivers are following the rules.

"During the most wonderful time of the year, the season of lights, we must consider, first of all, those that guarantee part of our safety in traffic.

In order to continue enjoying trips to and with loved ones, if we are in traffic on motorways, expressways and European national roads (E) as drivers, we are obliged to use, even during the day, the headlights meeting or daytime running lights.

Also, in this season and not only, during dense fog, when it rains heavily, snows heavily or in other conditions that reduce visibility on the road, dipped and fog lights are absolutely necessary.

Always clean the headlights and signal blocks and use the ventilation - air conditioning system properly!

We are grateful to those of you who are attentive to the needs and safety of others in traffic, by personal example!"