Coronavirus Romania: Official information about the Vaccine, and how to register for immunization

The authorities in Romania have already created a special website where they provide information about the vaccine against Coronaviurs, and through which they will also allow registration for immunization, when it will be the turn of the general population to benefit from the administration of this very important vaccine.

The website contains a lot of information about the vaccine regarding the Coronavirus, including the ways in which it was made, the way in which the testing is done, the phase in which the various vaccines that have a real chance of being approved are, plus many other information regarding the process of vaccination.

The correct communication of the process of vaccinating Romanians for the Coronavirus, and the explanation of all the problems that may arise as a result of its administration must be detailed extremely well by the authorities, so that people can make an informed decision about vaccination, or the refusal to do so .

In Romania, a certificate will also be issued attesting to the fact that a person has been vaccinated or not, which could prove to be important in the future.