Ministry of Health: Healing, Isolated/Quarantine Persons

Ministry of Health Cures Isolated Quarantined Persons

The Ministry of Health continues to provide information on the number of people who have been declared cured, or who are in isolation, quarantine, or who are hospitalized at the moment, and below you have detailed information about this.

The Ministry of Health has also released information about the number of tests that were done in the last 24 hours, about 20% less than during the period when we recorded infection records, and the number of new cases is lower as a result.

Ministry of Health Healing People Isolated Quarantined report

"Until today, December 9, on the territory of Romania, 532.040 cases of people infected with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) have been confirmed. 425.816 patients were declared cured.

Up to this date, at the national level, 4.325.130 tests have been processed. Of these, 31.458 were performed in the last 24 hours, 20.394 based on case definition and medical protocol, and 11.064 on request.

On the territory of Romania, 43.582 people confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus are in isolation at home, and 11.821 people are in institutional isolation. Also, 66.572 people are in home quarantine, and 105 people are in institutionalized quarantine."