The Romanian Church will Promote Vaccination Against the Coronavirus

The Romanian Church Promotes Vaccination Against the Coronavirus

The Romanian Church will promote vaccination against the Coronavirus, or at least that's what the Ministry of Health tells us, which made the very important announcement just a few hours ago, and this is a surprise that comes to a lot of people.

The Romanian Church will do this and at the same time that Pope Francis announced that he will be vaccinated against the Coronavirus, other high prelates of the Romanian Church are announcing exactly the same thing this weekend, and this is extremely important for everyone.

"We end Sunday and this week with joy and with a lot of hope for the Orthodox or Catholic Christians in Romania and all over the planet.
His Beatitude Father Daniel, the Patriarch of Romania, announced that the Romanian Orthodox Church will disseminate informative materials about vaccination in the dioceses, through a brochure entitled "Vaccination against COVID-19 in Romania. Free. Volunteer. Sure.”
Pope Francis has announced that he will be vaccinated as soon as it is his turn. The Pope said: “From an ethical perspective, I think everyone should get vaccinated. It's an ethical decision because you're betting with your health, with your life, but you're also betting with the lives of those around you."
Only together, regardless of religion and belief, we will return to normalcy!"