WhatsApp: SECRET Feature Launched for Users Now

WhatsApp has launched a new secret feature for its users around the world, here's what you need to know about what it offers at the moment.

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WhatsApp has been working on a secret feature for its users around the world for a while now, and it's one that a lot of people will be happy about because it's been released to more people. More precisely, those at WhatsApp have taken the decision to implement a new function for WhatsApp Web that allows users to make video and voice calls directly from the platform, it being tested in beta version, now with even more people.

WhatsApp decided to increase the number of those who test this new function at the moment, so that if you use WhatsApp Web, it is possible that some new buttons will appear in the interface. You can see below what the two new buttons that WhatsApp displays in its online messaging platform look like, they also have the "Beta" mark next to them to suggest that the functionality has not been tested well enough yet.

WhatsApp: SECRET Feature Launched for Users Now

WhatsApp has the image below made within the application for Windows 10, but everything should be available including within the online platform that is offered to everyone. Normally, those at WhatsApp should not stress users with new features in the beta version, especially in the official applications, but sometimes decisions like this are made, which ultimately allow us to test important functions which do not reach us very soon.

WhatsApp has been testing this new functionality for the messaging app for a while, so many probably know about it, but if you don't, then you should know about it by now. Video and voice calls can be made through this application in the same way as from phones, those from WhatsApp taking the decision to offer, in the end, an experience as close as possible to what all users of the application should receive .

WhatsApp will release the final version of these functions when they are 100% ready, but no one knows very clearly when exactly this will happen, so a lot of patience is needed.