Romanian Police: WARNING message for Millions of Romanians

Romanian Police Message WARNING Millions of Romanians

Today, the Romanian Police has a warning message that targets millions of Romanians from all over the country, and we are talking about something that has to do with the way drivers behave when they are stopped by a crew, regardless of the reason.

The Romanian Police tells the drivers that they must always respect the instructions given by the policeman, and wait until he writes them the fine, the warning, or whatever he has to do to sanction them, or just check, depending on the situation.

"When you are stopped in traffic by a policeman, follow his instructions!

If your documents are only being checked or you are going to be fined, wait in the car until you receive the documents and the report, as appropriate.

Don't leave the car with the aim of standing next to the police crew, you will only make things more difficult and spend more time in that place.

Drive carefully and responsibly!”