ING Bank: LAST TIME ALERT for ALL Romanian Customers

ING Bank issued a last-minute alert for all its customers from all over Romania, here's what you need to know right now about it, and what to do.

ING Bank instrument

ING Bank issued a very important alert for all its customers from all over Romania, and this in the conditions where an extremely serious problem is starting to affect more and more people in the country. ING Bank is again talking about phishing attacks, which unfortunately are taking place in increasing numbers in our country recently, and this is because the Coronavirus pandemic has inevitably led to an increase in this very serious phenomenon.

ING Bank below, he talks about one of the most common phishing techniques that targets Romanians all over the country, more precisely the use of websites with online ads to trick people. More specifically, ING Bank explains below a method that targets people who have products listed for sale on online classifieds websites, and who are asked, from people interested in those products, for their card details in order to sell the products.

ING Bank: LAST TIME ALERT for ALL Romanian Customers

ING Bank says that we should never give out our card details for another person to make a payment for their own account, and that's because they don't need it to complete the payment. In order for a payment to be made to our account, that person only needs our name and IBAN code, without the card number, expiration date, CVV2 code, these data being confidential and must be kept secret.

ING Bank he knows very well how important this information is for those who want to steal people's money from their accounts, so he comes with this phishing alert, which he has already done in the past. It is very possible that the number of attacks has increased exponentially in recent months and that is why new alerts keep coming from ING Bank, but the Romanian Police, or other banks, have issued similar alerts for customers, so we are not talking about something that cannot happened so far.

ING Bank he tries to protect all his clients in Romania as best he can, but of course it is unlikely that he will succeed in doing everything exactly as he imagines.