Announcement from the Romanian Government regarding Compensation for Adverse Reactions to Vaccination

The Government of Romania announces vaccine compensation

The Government of Romania, through the president of CNCAV, Valeriu Gheorghita, has provided some details regarding the compensation that a person can receive if he has severe adverse reactions following vaccination with one of the vaccines that have been approved in Romania.

The Romanian government says that if the patients fully recover from a severe adverse reaction generated by the vaccine, then no compensation will be offered, so only if the patient does not recover, and it is proven that the vaccine is to blame, there will be compensation.

"A major allergic reaction that occurs after the administration of a treatment, regardless of the treatment, this causal relationship is presumed. So it is more than obvious that this reaction occurred after the administration of this vaccine.

As for a compensatory mechanism, as long as the patient's progress is very good, with full recovery, I don't think there is a case for this kind of measure.

It is important to state that the anaphylactic reaction can be triggered by any trigger, regardless of whether it is associated with a medicinal product, or of another nature or by any other factor that can trigger this anaphylactic reaction time."