Huawei: The very IMPORTANT decision with IMPACT all over the world

Huawei is one of the largest producers of electronic devices in the whole world, as you already know very well, and also as you know very well, it has a very serious problem because of the USA. The Americans have imposed a series of restrictions against Huawei, and these now prevent the company from carrying out its activity under normal conditions, from launching new revolutionary products to sell all over the world, and all because of Trump.

Huawei he hoped that the new American president, Joe Biden, would make decisions to cancel the sanctions imposed by the USA against the company, but this has not happened yet. In this idea, those from Huawei ask the US presidential administration to look more carefully at these sanctions, and decide to lift them, also asking for a meeting with the company's representatives to discuss methods by which the situation can be returned to normal.

Huawei: The very IMPORTANT decision with IMPACT all over the world

Huawei he would like to have discussions with the representatives of the US presidential administration separately from those that take place between the officials of the two governments, all in the hope that he could have more success with his initiative. One of the vice presidents of the Huawei subsidiary in the US claims that there have been no official discussions between the two entities until now, but the Chinese hope that this will happen as soon as possible to solve the problems.

Huawei he would like the sanctions imposed against him to be lifted as a priority, but the Americans have completely different ideas regarding the way things should be handled, so it is unlikely that we will see changes. For now, the new presidential administration of Biden seems to be following the same line with the sanctions imposed on Huawei, and it is quite hard to believe that anything will change very soon from this point of view in the USA.

Huawei in the meantime, he is trying to focus on other businesses to compensate for the decrease in phone sales, also analyzing a possible sale of the division that develops these products.

This post was last modified on Feb. 27, 2021, 3:35 PM 15:35 PM

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