Facebook Announces Showing More Ads to Users

facebook video ads

Facebook has announced that it will show more ads to its users around the world, all in a move that a lot of people will more than likely despise, but that was to be expected in the context of the entire Coronavirus pandemic that hit the world .

Facebook said that from now on it will allow content creators to display ads including in video clips that have a duration of only 1 minute, until now the requirement was that the duration of a video clip be at least 3 minutes in order to be able to display ads within or.

Facebook is taking this step to attract more people who have until now only relied on YouTube to generate money from videos, and will promote a virtual currency with which fans of content creators will be able to reward those they follow .

“Looking ahead, we're exploring in-stream ad formats that drive engagement through rewards or product interaction – aiming to help increase payouts to content creators while providing a great viewing experience for people and a way for advertisers to can reach relevant audiences.”