2 Million Vaccine Doses Administered in Romania Already

2 Million Vaccine Doses Administered in Romania Already

2 million doses of vaccine have been administered to the citizens of Romania so far, an impressive figure that shows us that there are many Romanians willing to be vaccinated at the moment in our country to stop the pandemic.

29 days ago, the administration of the 1 millionth dose in Romania was announced, and here we are, in less than a month, we reached 2 million, a sign that the vaccination process was accelerated by the authorities to help us all.

"Million by million we stop the pandemic!
More than 2.000.000 doses have been administered since the start of the national vaccination campaign against COVID-19.
1.679.243 Pfizer doses
126.020 doses of Moderna
214.494 AstraZeneca doses
Total doses administered: 2.019.757"