Facebook will tell you where the nearest Vaccination Center is

Faceboo vaccination center nearby

Facebook today made a very important new announcement for people all over the world, more precisely it revealed the launch of a new special function for its platform, and it will help users find the vaccination center closest to their location.

Facebook initially decided to launch this change for only certain countries around the world, with everything being extended to include other areas of the globe in the following period, but how accurate the data is, remains to be seen after it will be displayed.

Facebook is putting everything into its plan to help as many people as possible to get vaccinated, and of course we are talking about an extremely good idea because the entire vaccination campaign needs as much help as possible at the moment all over the world.

Faceboo nearby vaccination center list

“Today, we're bringing the COVID-19 Information Center to Instagram from around the world. This portal, which we launched on the Facebook app last March, helps people discover the latest information about the virus from local health ministries and the World Health Organization. We're also rolling out new stickers on Instagram Stories so people can inspire others to get vaccinated when they become available. Learn more about these efforts on the Instagram blog.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have partnered with ministries of health and health-focused organizations in over 170 countries, offering free advertising, allowing partners to share their own public health guidance on COVID-19 and information about COVID -19 vaccines. For underserved countries and vulnerable populations, such as ethnic minorities and refugees, we also collaborate with expert local and international NGOs, such as the International Medical Corps, who provide tailored COVID-19 information in local languages. In addition, we continue to work with international bodies such as the European Union and the African Union in support of their COVID-19 responses. For example, we helped the European Parliament organize a multilingual advertising campaign in their 27 member states, offering short in-feed videos on Facebook and Instagram. Within a month, the campaign generated strong awareness and attention, generating over 100 million views and almost 2 million link clicks across all Member States."