CEC Bank: Important Alert Issued to All Romanian Customers

CEC Bank attachments

CEC Bank has issued a new extremely important alert for its clients from all over Romania, one that should come to their attention right now because it talks about an extremely serious problem. More precisely, those from CEC Bank are telling customers from all over Romania about the fact that new online fraud campaigns are being carried out in our country, people being tricked into accessing email attachments under the threat of closing their bank accounts.

CEC Bank says that this method of deceiving people is starting to be used more and more often on a large scale in Romania, and this is an extremely serious problem that everyone should be very careful about. Those from CEC Bank have issued alerts in the past regarding attacks of this kind that are carried out against clients from all over the country, but it is necessary to come back with new information for the Romanians who are still targeted by campaigns of this kind.

CEC Bank: Important Alert Issued to All Romanian Customers

CEC Bank knows very well that Romanians need help to always be safe when it comes to banking security, but also that not everyone knows how to tell the difference between a malicious email and a real one. CEC Bank asks clients not to be afraid when they receive an email telling them that their account may be closed if they do not access a certain website and enter their data there, and recommends avoiding downloading any attachments to PCs.

CEC Bank says that banks will never ask their customers to download suspicious attachments from emails, even though some send attachments with account information. CEC Bank tells Romanians that they should always contact the bank if they receive any suspicious email from unknown persons, and that they should not respond to any requests that come through them, the same being true for SMS or phone calls.

CEC Bank tries to protect Romanians against bank fraud, but people also need to be careful about the messages they receive from unknown people.