The announcement from the Romanian Post, the Service You Didn't Know About

The announcement of the ultra fast Romanian post

The Romanian Post has an announcement for Romanians and companies from all over the country, and through it it tries to help everyone find out about a special service that it has, and which probably not so many people knew about, but which is very useful. in many places.

The Romanian Post talks below about the UltraPost service, which can make deliveries in 4 hours for certain parcels in the big cities in Romania, so if you need something like that, then there is the possibility to benefit from it in the country, and track it through the postal system.

"Did you know that postal items sent with the UltraPost service can be tracked in the Track&Trace system.
Moreover, they arrive at their destination in 4 hours by train, in the 40 county seat cities and the Municipality of Bucharest, from Monday to Saturday, and in a maximum of 24 hours between the 41 county seat cities, from Monday to Saturday, under the conditions compliance with the presentation deadline."