DIGI Romania: Customer Demand and Impact in Romania

digi romania compliance

DIGI Romania is one of the largest telecommunications groups in Romania at the moment, with over 10 million customers throughout the country, and it is continuously growing now. In 2019, those from DIGI Romania started a campaign aimed at convincing customers to give up receiving invoices in physical format, and switch to receiving them in electronic format, and the efforts were not in vain, the company boasting of impressive results.

DIGI Romania announced that during 2020 it recorded a 181% increase in electronic invoice activations compared to 2019, which suggests that Romanians responded very positively to its requests. Unfortunately, those from DIGI Romania do not say how many of their clients have activated electronic invoices at the moment, but it is most likely a significant number of users, and the campaign of persuasion continues.

DIGI Romania: Customer Demand and Impact in Romania

DIGI Romania launched as a premier in Romania the possibility to receive the invoice on WhatsApp instead of email, something that does not exist with any other operator, and which makes viewing payment data even easier. DIGI Romania also had contests in which they rewarded customers who activated their electronic invoice, and now they continue to ask Romanians to do this, especially since there is money to be made if as many as possible activate this option.

DIGI Romania spends a lot of money sending invoices in physical format to its customers, so that as the number of those who receive them in electronic format increases, its expenses also decrease. DIGI Romania can end up saving at least several tens of millions of LEI per year if most of its customers receive their invoices in electronic format instead of the physical one, but everything depends on the desire of the people to do this.

DIGI Romania will continue without discussion in 2021 to promote the activation of receipt of invoices in electronic format because it has absolutely nothing to lose from this, so it remains to be seen what methods of persuasion it will find.